Buses on Screen > Films > Films B > The Blue Lamp (1950, Jack Warner, Jimmy Hanley, Dirk Bogarde)

The Blue Lamp (1950, Jack Warner, Jimmy Hanley, Dirk Bogarde)
"This has general London street scenes with buses and trolleybuses, but you can make out in one shot a hired Tilling Bristol K type. (the bus is in soft focus so details cannot be seen)" (thanks Bob Wingrove)
Jon Price identfies ST, STL, RT (roof box and standard), a Green Line AEC Regal coach and a number of trolleybuses as well as the on loan Tilling Bristol K type.
Trolleybus scenes are abundant in this film:
The scene in which Tom Riley (Bogarde) shoots PC George Dixon has this trolleybus as a backdrop:
The closing scenes of the film convey the continuity of life in London, and the trolleybuses continue to pass:
Many of the views of buses include trolleybus wires:
In this street scene a 10T10 type Green Line T-class AEC Regal can be seen among the 'deckers:
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