Buses on Screen > Short Films > Short Films L > London For a Day (1962, British Transport Films)

London For a Day (1962, British Transport Films)
A dawn to dusk view of London has much of interest for the bus enthusiast.
Eastern National 415 (857ETW), a 1956 Bristol LS5G/Eastern Coachworks, hurries past the camera:
...as does Sundial Coaches YXT353, a 1960 Bedford SB1 with Duple Super Vega body:
Smart Tillings 1BXB passes under the camera; it's a 1961 Bristol MW6G/Eastern Coachworks:
Victoria Motors TKY455, a 1960 Ford Thames 570E with Burlingham coachwork, has come a long way from Wakefield in Yorkshire:
The next sequence is filmed at Victoria Coach Station. Thames Valley 750 (MBL831), is a 1956 Bristol Lodekka LD6B fitted with coach seating for the services between Reading and London. As it enters the station it passes the rear of a South Midland Bristol MW6G/Eastern Coachworks, then a pair of Maidstone and District Harrington bodied AEC Reliances. Beyond them is another Bristol MW/Eastern Coachworks, this one with Bristol Greyhound:
A 1960 Western Scottish Leyland Leopard L1/Alexander on the overnight service from Glasgow pulls in behind a similar coach. A number of coaches are seen behind, but the only one clearly seen is a Royal Blue Bristol MW:
A shame this Midland Red BMMO C5 is only glimpsed, again passing the South Midland MW just inside the entrance:
This might be that South Midland Bristol MW6G/Eastern Coachworks, but shown out of order, fleet number 831 in the Thames Valley fleet (UJB197). South Midland was originally owned by Red and White, but passed to Thames Valley in the 1950s, then City of Oxford to form Oxford-South Midland in 1971. UJB197 became 43 in the Oxford fleet at that time. Note that 831 is followed by a London Country Area AEC RF:
This interior shot shows passengers preparing to disembark:
Two passing RT family buses are almost hidden by the flocking pigeons:
London Transport Saunders bodied RT1230 (KGK699) carries 'Sightseeing Tour' advertising:
RTL1526 (OLD635) rounds Piccadilly Circus:
Another sightseeing bus, RTL1535 (OLD644), serving Westminster Abbey and the Festival Gardens:
RT3831 (NXP638), also on sightseeing duty:
A pair of Leyland RTWs on route 24:
Unfortunately this group is not close enough to identify:
As night falls, we again see Tilling 1BXB, this time at Piccadilly Circus:
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