Buses on Screen > Television > Television I > The Innes Book of Records (BBC musical series, 1979-81)

The Innes Book of Records (BBC musical series, 1979-81)
Idiosyncratic and brilliant showcase for the talents of singer/pianist/writer Neil Innes, formerly of the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band, performing parodies of current pop songs.
Allan Haynes, who notes the original working title had been Parodies Lost, comments: "Neil also finds himself in some unlikely musical situations throughout the series. Most of the filming was done around Bristol, plus a trip out to Minehead. As the only 'bus man' on the location, producer Ian Keill asked me if I could get an open topper to put the Silver Band on top. I came up with an open top Lodekka from Bristol (NBC) from Weston Super Mare. No record of the vehicle number, but I have somewhere a photo showing the name it had been given - I think there were three at Weston that season. We recorded the band first on the ground then loaded them onto the top deck and filmed the thing driving around the streets of Minehead, the bandsmen then miming to playback. We had to take out one pair of seats at the back to get the tuba player in."
Allan adds he believes the bus in question to have been Bristol's 626HFM, named Western Splendour, and is seen at the wheel here.
In another sketch, 'Protest Song', two dual-door Bristol Omnibus singledeckers pass behind Michael Palin. One's a Leyland-National, the other a Bristol RELL/Eastern Coachworks:
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