Buses on Screen > Television > Television S > Softly Softly (BBC crime drama series, 1966-9)

Softly Softly (BBC crime drama series, 1966-9)
Very few episodes still exist of this series, which used Bristol for its location filming. What remains is poor quality, but buses frequently appear in the opening credits, which are different in each episode.
Episode 2.07
A Bristol Lodekka FLF of Bristol Omnibus passes in the opening scenes:
...and we see interior footage as well:
Episode 3.09
A Bristol Omnibus Bristol Lodekka FS:
Episode 4.01
This glimpse from the opening credits features in several episodes, including 4.19 and 4.26. A Bristol RELL bus, a RELH coach and a Bristol Lodekka LD of Bristol Omnibus are featured here, also a lone Lodekka:
This Bedford SB/Mulliner appears in a street scene:
....and the rear of another Lodekka:
Episode 4.05
A bus station scene in the opening credits (also 4.20) features three Bristol Omnibus Bristol Lodekka FLFs and a Bristol RE:
Episode 4.21
Another Lodekka rear in the opening of this episode:
Episode 4.24
A Bristol Omnibus Lodekka FLF at Bristol bus station:
Episode 5.04
A Duple bodied coach at an airfield:

Chris Stewart reports one episode features Eastern National Bristol MW6G/Eastern Coachworks 1439 (OO9547).
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