Buses on Screen > Television > Television Z > Z Cars (BBC crime series, 1962-78)

Z Cars (BBC crime series, 1962-78)
Set in Liverpool. "Back in the sixties and seventies Z-Cars featured a number of Liverpool Corporation and Merseyside PTE vehicles, including one episode where there was a fight on a MCW Metropolitan to which the police were called. (thanks Chris Hough)
David Brunt, while compiling a guide to the series, took time out to note: "The fight on a bus episode was titled 'You Get All Kinds' (broadcast 20 May 1964). This had Peter Purves as the bus conductor and filmed on the backlot at Ealing Film Studios." - not a Metropolitan, then, but what was the bus?
"One episode also featured a robbery at a bus depot supposedly Liverpool Corporation but was actually a Tilling Group depot and featured a Bristol Lodekka FLF! Some background shots through the police car windows regularly showed London Transport Merlins!" (thanks again Chris Hough) Martin Isles adds the Tilling garage used was Thames Valley's at Maidenhead, "The buses had fleetnames changed to 'Seaport Corporation' (may not have been Seaport but whatever the name of the place where the series was set - pretty sure it was Seasomething). The driver/conductors had badges appropriate to the North West traffic area letter from South East's KK. The fact that the fleet was 100 per cent Bristol/ECW which no 'Corporation' would have had anywhere in the country was a detail not taken care of." David Brunt observes: "The bus station episode could be any one of a number of episodes; bus stations pop up quite often, usually filmed around the Ealing/Acton or Richmond areas. It might be either 'The Birds of the Air' (17 April 1963) - which features scenes on a bus and at the depot - or 'A lot of fuss for £15' (14 and 15 September 1970) - a handbag stolen at a bus station."
In the early 1970s, the opening titles featured a brief shot of a Merseyside PTE Leyland Titan:

Alan Haydock notes "a brand new Ribble Leyland PD3/MCW 1787 (RCK 932) appears with two kids 'on the run' to North Wales. The bus has 'Northern Bus Company' signs over the Ribble fleetname" in the episode 'People's Property' (15 May 1962), identified by David Brunt. Alan adds "I used to travel on this bus regularly, when it was based at Bootle depot." The footage I've found is of very poor quality, but the first view also includes a Crosville Bristol Lodekka:
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